Find and Share Free Sound Effects and Loops / Efeitos Sonoros GrátisVocê está fazendo alguma animação, video para o Youtube, apresentação no powerpoint ou jogo e precisa de um determinado tipo de som. Entre no
Soundsnap e busque milhares de arquivos grátis.
Você poderá fazer downloads das músicas em mp3, wav ou aiff, divididas em categorias : animais, botões, história em quadrinhos (hq) e filmes , exteriores,interiores, Casa, humanos, natureza, industrial, interiores, loops de música, samples de música, ficção científica, sound art, esportes, transportes, unreal.
Ah!, faça upload dos seus sons também para ajudar a melhorar o site.
You are making some animation, video for the Youtube, or powerpoint presentation or game and need sounds. Enter
Soundsnap and search thousands of free files.
You can download the songs in mp3, wav or aiff, divided into categories: animals, buttons, comic film & fix, exteriors, house, nature, human, industrial, interiors, exteriors, music loops, music samples, science fiction, sound art, sports, Transport, unreal.
Upload their sons also to help improve the site.
What is Soundsnap?
Soundsnap is the best platform to find and share free sound effects and loops- legally. It is a collection of original sounds made or recorded by its users, and not songs or sound FX found on commercial libraries or sample CD's.
It was originally started by a small group of sound people from all over the world. Our common belief is that sounds and samples should be free for everyone to use in their projects, commercial or not.
Our users are a diverse mix of sound designers, sound artists, web game developers, filmmakers and music producers. Hobbyists and home video makers are welcome too.