segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2007

XstreamRadio - Online radio

Escute mais de 1000 rádios online internacionais. o XstreamRadio possui um gravador integrado para salvar as músicas das rádios que está ouvindo em MP3. E é de graça.

XstreamRadio is one of the most extensive radio players of this moment. Besides listening to your favorite radio stations it also allows you to record music.
This player contains more than 1.000 international pre-programmed radio stations, to which you can leisurely listen while working on your PC. With the integrated MP3 recorder you can easily record music or your favorite program from the station of your choice.
Besides being a radio player, XstreamRadio contains useful facilities for browsing the net. Did we already mention all this comes in a small 3 MB package and is totally for FREE?

Download XstreamRadio

Um comentário:

Diego Matias disse...

Já usei esse programa há algum tempo. Realmente é bom. Difícil era deixar de baixar. Tudo que eu ouvia eu acabava querendo.